Land-Use Control Ch. 25 Jacobus 1. History of Land-use controls 2. Two Broad categories fo control: Public and Private 3. Public controls: a. Police power: each state goal to protect the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of its citizens. b. Restriction on free ownership of land 4. Methods of Public Controls a. Zoning i. Zoning ordinances: ii. Zoning objectives: iii. Zoning enforcement through building permits (1) Non-conforming use: (2) Variance: (3) Conditional use permit: (4) Amendment: iv. Zoning issues (1) Spot zoning: (2) Downzoning: (3) Taking: b. Subdivision: c. Comprehensive (Master) Plan d. Building and Safety Codes e. Regulation of land sales 5. Private Control a. Deed restrictions: b. Restrictive covenants: c. Legal issues 6. Enviomental Impact