The Principal-Broker Relationship: Employment: Ch. 20, Jacobus 1. Listing contracts. An employment agreement. a. Advertisement b. Offer to Sell in Vermont c. Essential provisions i. Competent parties ii. Offer and Acceptance: Consent iii. Legal Act iv. Consideration 2. Personal Service Agreement a. Types of Listings: i. Exclusive right to sell. ii. Exclusive agency. iii. Open. b. Special listings: i. MLS ii. Net listings iii. Option listing (broker has the right to purchase the property) 3. Termination of listings a. Expiration of term. b. Mutual agreement c. Abandonment. d. Death or incompetance. e. In some cases, bankruptcy terminates a listing. 4. The Listing process: 5. Buyer Agency a. Types of agency available b. Compensation methods c. Problem with Procurring cause.