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Urban ledgends, Internet hoaxes, and Net Lore
It seems like every day I get emails concerning some fantastic offer, dire situation or computer virus.
Often these turn out to be rumors, false alarms or bogus warnings. Before you forward me or any of your
email buddies any of these web warnings, check them out first. There are a number of sites that can be
useful in checking them out. My personal favorite are the sites at About.com.
You can also try Snopes.
I have taken the Boulder Pledge,
and you should too.
The Department of Energy maintains the CIAC which you should first consult when
tempted to forward an email. In particular you should read the information about the risks and cost of hoaxes.
There is also a wealth of information, which could be better organized, but very informative covering all kinds
of subjects, including MLMs and illegal pyramids, misuse of the internet, chain mail/email at
Break The Chain also has information about well wishing
chain letters. See also Scambusters.
Please forward a link to this page (http://www.beranlaw.com/links/hoaxes.htm) to the person who sent you the
warning, unbelievable offer, or other (we hope) well intentioned notice.
Please read the article about "Net misinformation" titled
Hoax Busters.
About.com has a good article to help you detect real from hoax.
To verify whether or not something is a hoax or real either go to Urbanlegends'
alphabetical listing or just type in
some of the search information into the search box. Just as with all journalism, you need to check out the source, another group helping us
on that is
Truth or Fiction.
If this were junk snail mail or a telemarketer calling at supper time, how would you feel about
receiving these emails? Please be ecourteous to all your email buddies.
Here are some of the emails I've received which I believe are either factual but blown out of proportion, rumors,
hoaxes, unverified facts, or otherwise bad netiquette.